Fan-powered plenum modules
A fan-powered plenum (FPP) system is a flexible and efficient cleanroom solution. It uses a plenum chamber as a distribution point and connects to VAV (Variable Air Volume) boxes or units in different zones or rooms through ductwork.
An FPP system offers energy efficiency, individual zone control, and the ability to maintain consistent air distribution throughout the space. Importantly, this system can overcome pressure imbalances due to changes in occupancy or other factors, making it possible to maintain precise cleanroom conditions.
BASX Solutions offers a fan powered plenum system with a bottom-load stainless flush grid. This system can include a stainless steel or powder-coated steel plenum, EC fan motors, LED lighting, and sprinklers. It’s also possible to incorporate a return air plenum for a complete supply and return air system to provide laminar airflow throughout the space.